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Nioxin is the haircare brand with a specific focus on hair loss and thinning with a complete haircare programme inclusive of shampoos, conditioners and intensive hair treatments inspired by skincare. By identifying and focusing on the 3 signs of hair thinning (derma, density and diameter), Nioxin is able to deliver effective results. The Nioxin System Kits are the hero products in the Nioxin range. Each Nioxin System Kit is tailored to combat specific haircare issues and includes shampoo, conditioner and treatment. Some Nioxin bestsellers include Nioxin System Kit 4 (Thinning, Fine, Treated), Nioxin System Kit 2 (Noticeably Thinning, Fine), Nioxin System Kit 3 (Normal/ Thin/ Treated), and Nioxin System Kit 1 (Normal to Thin Hair). Simply select the System Kit for your hair type, and Nioxin will do the rest! You can also purchase Nioxin products individually: at BeautyFeatures.ie you will find everything from Nioxin Cleanser 2 shampoo and Nioxin Deep Repair Hair Masque to Nioxin Diaboost Thickening Xtrafusion Treatment, which uses breakthrough HTX Technology to increase the thickness of each and every individual hair strand, leaving hair looking fuller and thicker.
Find the perfect Nioxin solution for your needs. Order today from BeautyFeatures.ie!